Collection: Actuator for Kinugawa
Kinugawa billet adjustable actuator designed and built with the intention of increasing the boost output of a turbocharged system. We cannot guarantee compatibility with all applications, nor the ability to increase the boost output beyond a level that is within the parameters set by the engine management system of the given vehicle at the time of installation, whether that system is factory or aftermarket. Before installation and operation, please read our user’s manual carefully.
Kinugawa Turbo Universal Adjustable Wastegate Actuator with 6 springs and 4 Rods
(2)Regular price $129.00USDRegular priceUnit price / per$129.00USDSale price $129.00USD -
Kinugawa Dual Ports Adjustable Turbo Wastegate Actuator w/ 6 x spring & 4 x Rod for Universal
Regular price $149.00USDRegular priceUnit price / per$149.00USDSale price $149.00USD -
Kinugawa Turbo Dual Ports Adjustable Internal Wastegate Actuator Head
Regular price $69.00USDRegular priceUnit price / per$69.00USDSale price $69.00USD
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