Collection: For Dodge SRT-4 Neon
The SRT-4 used the same basic engine block as the naturally aspirated 2003+ 2.4L and was different from the years previously used in the naturally aspirated Chrysler 2.4L mid-size cars such as the PT Cruiser and four-door Stratus. The turbocharger was a reverse rotation TD04LR-16Gk with a 6 cm2 (0.93 sq in) turbine inlet. Tight packaging forced some creative thinking on the turbocharger. The TD04 compressor has a compressor bypass valve built right into the compressor housing. The exhaust manifold and turbine housing were cast in one piece by Mitsubishi from high-nickel Ni-Resist steel.
Kinugawa Turbo TD04HLR-20T for Dodge Neon SRT-4 / Chrysler PT Cruiser GT Bolt-on
Regular price From $1,199.00USDRegular priceUnit price / per$999.00USDSale price From $1,199.00USDSold out -
Kinugawa Turbo TD04LR-20T for Dodge Neon SRT-4 / Chrysler PT Cruiser GT Bolt-on
Regular price From $999.00USDRegular priceUnit price / per$999.00USDSale price From $999.00USD
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