Crank Horsepower: 500-600HP
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1. We will ship your order out in 3~5 working days after getting your payment and complete shipping address, including the Phone number. Only parts of KINUGAWA brand sold on this official website will be applied DHL Duties & Taxes Paid (DTP Service) for all orders. This service allows duties, taxes, or other regulatory fees to be charged to the Shipper (wholesale accounts except), rather than the Receiver at the destination, and make exporting your shipment even faster. Charges apply whenever the shipper requests that duties, taxes, or other regulatory fees be paid outside of the destination country, but the P.O. and Russia address will not be accepted. (EMS will ship the P.O. and Russian Federation (RU)*4 and duties, taxes, or other regulatory fees are the buyers' responsibilities). Please do not use your agent to declare customs duties, otherwise we will not be responsible for related expenses. We offer free shipping for order that has a total amount over USD 399 and the shipping address within Zone 1~7 (please check the 5. DHL Zone Table).
2. All packages are double checked and well packed by our warehouse staff to make sure they are safe on the delivery. Combined Shipping is available for most items and we always try our best to save freight for our customers. If you have any questions or requests about international shipping, import tax, and declared value, please contact us by email: support@kinugawaturbosystems.com
3. PayPal payments must be sent to paypal@kinugawaturbosytstems.com; No order will be shipped out if PayPal payment is still pending.
4. Local Bank Wire (T/T): Bank wire is also accepted. The default bank A/C is Bank of America (BOA) and currency is USD. We also offer EUR, JYP, AUD, CAD and GBP local bank accounts If you want to make payment by T/T, please email us for wire details. Email: support@kinugawaturbosystems.com
5. DHL Zone Table:
Afghanistan (AF) | 8 | Dominican Rep. (DO) | 7 | Liberia (LR) | 8 | Samoa (WS) | 4 |
Albania (AL) | 7 | East Timor (TL) | 4 | Libya (LY) | 8 | San Marino (SM) | 7 |
Algeria (DZ) | 8 | Ecuador (EC) | 7 | Liechtenstein (LI) | 6 | Sao Tome And Principe (ST) | 8 |
American Samoa (AS) | 8 | Egypt (EG) | N | Lithuania (LT) | 6 | Saudi Arabia (SA) | 7 |
Andorra (AD) | 6 | El Salvador (SV) | 7 | Luxembourg (LU) | 6 | Senegal (SN) | 8 |
Angola (AO) | 8 | Eritrea (ER) | 8 | Macau (MO) | 1 | Serbia, Rep. Of (RS) | 7 |
Anguilla (AI) | 7 | Estonia (EE) | 6 | Madagascar (MG) | 8 | Seychelles (SC) | 8 |
Antigua (AG) | 7 | Ethiopia (ET) | 8 | Malawi (MW) | 8 | Sierra Leone (SL) | 8 |
Argentina (AR) | 7 | Falkland Islands (FK) | 7 | Malaysia (MY) | 3 | Singapore (SG) | 2 |
Armenia (AM) | 7 | Faroe Islands (FO) | 7 | Maldives (MV) | 8 | Slovakia (SK) | 6 |
Aruba (AW) | 7 | Fiji (FJ) | 4 | Mali (ML) | 8 | Slovenia (SI) | 8 |
Australia (AU) | 4 | Finland (FI) | 8 | Malta (MT) | 6 | Solomon Islands (SB) | 4 |
Austria (AT) | 8 | France (FR) | 8 | Mariana Islands (MP) | 8 | Somalia (SO) | 8 |
Azerbaijan (AZ) | 7 | French Guyana (GF) | 7 | Marshall Islands (MH) | 4 | Somaliland, Rep Of (XS) | 8 |
Bahamas (BS) | 7 | Gabon (GA) | 8 | Martinique (MQ) | 7 | South Africa (ZA) | 8 |
Bahrain (BH) | 7 | Gambia (GM) | 8 | Mauritania (MR) | 8 | South Sudan (SS) | 8 |
Bangladesh (BD) | 4 | Georgia (GE) | 7 | Mauritius (MU) | 8 | Spain (ES) | 8 |
Barbados (BB) | 7 | Germany (DE) | 8 | Mayotte (YT) | 8 | Sri Lanka (LK) | 8 |
Belarus (BY) | 7 | Ghana (GH) | 8 | Mexico (MX) | 7 | St. Barthelemy (XY) | 7 |
Belgium (BE) | 8 | Gibraltar (GI) | 6 | Micronesia (FM) | 4 | St. Eustatius (XE) | 7 |
Belize (BZ) | 7 | Greece (GR) | 8 | Moldova, Rep. Of (MD) | N | St. Kitts (KN) | 7 |
Benin (BJ) | 8 | Greenland (GL) | 6 | Monaco (MC) | 6 | St. Lucia (LC) | 7 |
Bermuda (BM) | 7 | Grenada (GD) | 7 | Mongolia (MN) | 8 | St. Maarten (XM) | 7 |
Bhutan (BT) | 7 | Guadeloupe (GP) | 7 | Montenegro, Rep Of (ME) | 7 | St. Vincent (VC) | 7 |
Bolivia (BO) | 7 | Guam (GU) | 8 | Montserrat (MS) | 7 | Sudan (SD) | 8 |
Bonaire (XB) | 7 | Guatemala (GT) | 7 | Morocco (MA) | 8 | Suriname (SR) | 7 |
Bosnia & Herzegovina(BA) | 7 | Guernsey (GG) | 6 | Mozambique (MZ) | 8 | Swaziland (SZ) | 8 |
Botswana (BW) | 8 | Guinea Rep. (GN) | 8 | Myanmar (MM) | N | Sweden (SE) | 8 |
Brazil (BR) | 7 | Guinea-Bissau (GW) | 8 | Namibia (NA) | 8 | Switzerland (CH) | 6 |
Brunei (BN) | 3 | Guinea-Equatorial (GQ) | 8 | Nauru, Rep. Of (NR) | 4 | Syria (SY) | 8 |
Bulgaria (BG) | 8 | Guyana (British) (GY) | 7 | Nepal (NP) | 7 | Tahiti (PF) | 8 |
Burkina Faso (BF) | 8 | Haiti (HT) | 7 | Netherlands, The (NL) | 8 | Tajikistan (TJ) | 7 |
Burundi (BI) | 8 | Honduras (HN) | 7 | Nevis (XN) | 7 | Tanzania (TZ) | 8 |
Cambodia (KH) | 3 | Hong Kong (HK) | 1 | New Caledonia (NC) | 4 | Thailand (TH) | 3 |
Cameroon (CM) | 8 | Hungary (HU) | 8 | New Zealand (NZ) | 4 | Togo (TG) | 8 |
Canada (CA) | 5 | Iceland (IS) | 8 | Nicaragua (NI) | 7 | Tonga (TO) | 4 |
Canary Islands, The (IC) | 8 | India (IN) | 4 | Niger (NE) | 8 | Trinidad And Tobago (TT) | 7 |
Cape Verde (CV) | 8 | Indonesia (ID) | 3 | Nigeria (NG) | 8 | Tunisia (TN) | 8 |
Cayman Islands (KY) | 7 | Iran (IR) | 8 | Niue (NU) | 4 | Turkey (TR) | 7 |
Central African Rep(CF) | 8 | Iraq (IQ) | 8 | North Macedonia (MK) | 7 | Turkmenistan (TM) | 7 |
Chad (TD) | 8 | Ireland, Rep. Of (IE) | 6 | Norway (NO) | 8 | Turks & Caicos (TC) | 7 |
Chile (CL) | 7 | Israel (IL) | N | Oman (OM) | 7 | Tuvalu (TV) | 4 |
China (CN) *1 | 1 | Italy (IT) | 8 | Pakistan (PK) | 4 | USA (US) *3 | 5 |
China (CN) *2 | 2 | Jamaica (JM) | 7 | Palau (PW) | 4 | Uganda (UG) | N |
Colombia (CO) | 7 | Japan (JP) | 2 | Panama (PA) | 7 | Ukraine (UA) | N |
Comoros (KM) | 8 | Jersey (JE) | 6 | Papua New Guinea (PG) | 4 | United Arab Emirates (AE) | 7 |
Congo (CG) | 8 | Jordan (JO) | 8 | Paraguay (PY) | 7 | United Kingdom (GB) | 6 |
Congo, DPR (CD) | 8 | Kazakhstan (KZ) | N | Peru (PE) | N | Uruguay (UY) | N |
Cook Islands (CK) | 4 | Kenya (KE) | N | Philippines, The (PH) | 3 | Uzbekistan (UZ) | 7 |
Costa Rica (CR) | 8 | Kiribati (KI) | 4 | Poland (PL) | 8 | Vanuatu (VU) | 4 |
Cote D Ivoire (CI) | 8 | Korea, Rep. Of (KR) | 2 | Portugal (PT) | 8 | Vatican City (VA) | 6 |
Croatia (HR) | 8 | Korea, D.P.R Of (KP) | 8 | Puerto Rico (PR) | 7 | Venezuela (VE) | 7 |
Cuba (CU) | 8 | Kosovo (KV) | 7 | Qatar (QA) | N | Vietnam (VN) | N |
Curacao (XC) | 7 | Kuwait (KW) | 7 | Reunion, Island Of (RE) | 8 | Virgin Islands-British (VG) | 7 |
Cyprus (CY) | 8 | Kyrgyzstan (KG) | 7 | Romania (RO) | 8 | Virgin Islands-US (VI) | 8 |
Czech Rep., The (CZ) | 6 | Laos (LA) | 3 | Russian Federation (RU)*4 | 4 | Yemen, Rep. Of (YE) | N |
Denmark (DK) | 8 | Latvia (LV) | 6 | Rwanda (RW) | 8 | Zambia (ZM) | 8 |
Djibouti (DJ) | 8 | Lebanon (LB) | 8 | Saint Helena (SH) | 8 | Zimbabwe (ZW) | N |
Dominica (DM) | 7 | Lesotho (LS) | 8 |
China (CN) *1
Shenzhen (SZX), Chaoshan & Huizhou (SWA), Zhujiang Delta Area (ZUH), Guangzhou (CAN), Dongguan (DGM)
China (CN) *2
Rest of China (CN)
USA (US) *3
Delivery only to Alaska and Return from all states by FedEx
1. We will ship your order out in 3~5 working days after getting your payment and complete shipping address, including the Phone number. Only parts of KINUGAWA brand sold on this official website will be applied DHL Duties & Taxes Paid (DTP Service) for all orders. This service allows duties, taxes, or other regulatory fees to be charged to the Shipper (wholesale accounts except), rather than the Receiver at the destination, and make exporting your shipment even faster. Charges apply whenever the shipper requests that duties, taxes, or other regulatory fees be paid outside of the destination country, but the P.O. and Russia address will not be accepted. (EMS will ship the P.O. and Russian Federation (RU)*4 and duties, taxes, or other regulatory fees are the buyers' responsibilities). Please do not use your agent to declare customs duties, otherwise we will not be responsible for related expenses. We offer free shipping for order that has a total amount over USD 399 and the shipping address within Zone 1~7 (please check the 5. DHL Zone Table).
2. All packages are double checked and well packed by our warehouse staff to make sure they are safe on the delivery. Combined Shipping is available for most items and we always try our best to save freight for our customers. If you have any questions or requests about international shipping, import tax, and declared value, please contact us by email: support@kinugawaturbosystems.com
3. PayPal payments must be sent to paypal@kinugawaturbosytstems.com; No order will be shipped out if PayPal payment is still pending.
4. Local Bank Wire (T/T): Bank wire is also accepted. The default bank A/C is Bank of America (BOA) and currency is USD. We also offer EUR, JYP, AUD, CAD and GBP local bank accounts If you want to make payment by T/T, please email us for wire details. Email: support@kinugawaturbosystems.com
5. DHL Zone Table:
Afghanistan (AF) | 8 | Dominican Rep. (DO) | 7 | Liberia (LR) | 8 | Samoa (WS) | 4 |
Albania (AL) | 7 | East Timor (TL) | 4 | Libya (LY) | 8 | San Marino (SM) | 7 |
Algeria (DZ) | 8 | Ecuador (EC) | 7 | Liechtenstein (LI) | 6 | Sao Tome And Principe (ST) | 8 |
American Samoa (AS) | 8 | Egypt (EG) | N | Lithuania (LT) | 6 | Saudi Arabia (SA) | 7 |
Andorra (AD) | 6 | El Salvador (SV) | 7 | Luxembourg (LU) | 6 | Senegal (SN) | 8 |
Angola (AO) | 8 | Eritrea (ER) | 8 | Macau (MO) | 1 | Serbia, Rep. Of (RS) | 7 |
Anguilla (AI) | 7 | Estonia (EE) | 6 | Madagascar (MG) | 8 | Seychelles (SC) | 8 |
Antigua (AG) | 7 | Ethiopia (ET) | 8 | Malawi (MW) | 8 | Sierra Leone (SL) | 8 |
Argentina (AR) | 7 | Falkland Islands (FK) | 7 | Malaysia (MY) | 3 | Singapore (SG) | 2 |
Armenia (AM) | 7 | Faroe Islands (FO) | 7 | Maldives (MV) | 8 | Slovakia (SK) | 6 |
Aruba (AW) | 7 | Fiji (FJ) | 4 | Mali (ML) | 8 | Slovenia (SI) | 8 |
Australia (AU) | 4 | Finland (FI) | 8 | Malta (MT) | 6 | Solomon Islands (SB) | 4 |
Austria (AT) | 8 | France (FR) | 8 | Mariana Islands (MP) | 8 | Somalia (SO) | 8 |
Azerbaijan (AZ) | 7 | French Guyana (GF) | 7 | Marshall Islands (MH) | 4 | Somaliland, Rep Of (XS) | 8 |
Bahamas (BS) | 7 | Gabon (GA) | 8 | Martinique (MQ) | 7 | South Africa (ZA) | 8 |
Bahrain (BH) | 7 | Gambia (GM) | 8 | Mauritania (MR) | 8 | South Sudan (SS) | 8 |
Bangladesh (BD) | 4 | Georgia (GE) | 7 | Mauritius (MU) | 8 | Spain (ES) | 8 |
Barbados (BB) | 7 | Germany (DE) | 8 | Mayotte (YT) | 8 | Sri Lanka (LK) | 8 |
Belarus (BY) | 7 | Ghana (GH) | 8 | Mexico (MX) | 7 | St. Barthelemy (XY) | 7 |
Belgium (BE) | 8 | Gibraltar (GI) | 6 | Micronesia (FM) | 4 | St. Eustatius (XE) | 7 |
Belize (BZ) | 7 | Greece (GR) | 8 | Moldova, Rep. Of (MD) | N | St. Kitts (KN) | 7 |
Benin (BJ) | 8 | Greenland (GL) | 6 | Monaco (MC) | 6 | St. Lucia (LC) | 7 |
Bermuda (BM) | 7 | Grenada (GD) | 7 | Mongolia (MN) | 8 | St. Maarten (XM) | 7 |
Bhutan (BT) | 7 | Guadeloupe (GP) | 7 | Montenegro, Rep Of (ME) | 7 | St. Vincent (VC) | 7 |
Bolivia (BO) | 7 | Guam (GU) | 8 | Montserrat (MS) | 7 | Sudan (SD) | 8 |
Bonaire (XB) | 7 | Guatemala (GT) | 7 | Morocco (MA) | 8 | Suriname (SR) | 7 |
Bosnia & Herzegovina(BA) | 7 | Guernsey (GG) | 6 | Mozambique (MZ) | 8 | Swaziland (SZ) | 8 |
Botswana (BW) | 8 | Guinea Rep. (GN) | 8 | Myanmar (MM) | N | Sweden (SE) | 8 |
Brazil (BR) | 7 | Guinea-Bissau (GW) | 8 | Namibia (NA) | 8 | Switzerland (CH) | 6 |
Brunei (BN) | 3 | Guinea-Equatorial (GQ) | 8 | Nauru, Rep. Of (NR) | 4 | Syria (SY) | 8 |
Bulgaria (BG) | 8 | Guyana (British) (GY) | 7 | Nepal (NP) | 7 | Tahiti (PF) | 8 |
Burkina Faso (BF) | 8 | Haiti (HT) | 7 | Netherlands, The (NL) | 8 | Tajikistan (TJ) | 7 |
Burundi (BI) | 8 | Honduras (HN) | 7 | Nevis (XN) | 7 | Tanzania (TZ) | 8 |
Cambodia (KH) | 3 | Hong Kong (HK) | 1 | New Caledonia (NC) | 4 | Thailand (TH) | 3 |
Cameroon (CM) | 8 | Hungary (HU) | 8 | New Zealand (NZ) | 4 | Togo (TG) | 8 |
Canada (CA) | 5 | Iceland (IS) | 8 | Nicaragua (NI) | 7 | Tonga (TO) | 4 |
Canary Islands, The (IC) | 8 | India (IN) | 4 | Niger (NE) | 8 | Trinidad And Tobago (TT) | 7 |
Cape Verde (CV) | 8 | Indonesia (ID) | 3 | Nigeria (NG) | 8 | Tunisia (TN) | 8 |
Cayman Islands (KY) | 7 | Iran (IR) | 8 | Niue (NU) | 4 | Turkey (TR) | 7 |
Central African Rep(CF) | 8 | Iraq (IQ) | 8 | North Macedonia (MK) | 7 | Turkmenistan (TM) | 7 |
Chad (TD) | 8 | Ireland, Rep. Of (IE) | 6 | Norway (NO) | 8 | Turks & Caicos (TC) | 7 |
Chile (CL) | 7 | Israel (IL) | N | Oman (OM) | 7 | Tuvalu (TV) | 4 |
China (CN) *1 | 1 | Italy (IT) | 8 | Pakistan (PK) | 4 | USA (US) *3 | 5 |
China (CN) *2 | 2 | Jamaica (JM) | 7 | Palau (PW) | 4 | Uganda (UG) | N |
Colombia (CO) | 7 | Japan (JP) | 2 | Panama (PA) | 7 | Ukraine (UA) | N |
Comoros (KM) | 8 | Jersey (JE) | 6 | Papua New Guinea (PG) | 4 | United Arab Emirates (AE) | 7 |
Congo (CG) | 8 | Jordan (JO) | 8 | Paraguay (PY) | 7 | United Kingdom (GB) | 6 |
Congo, DPR (CD) | 8 | Kazakhstan (KZ) | N | Peru (PE) | N | Uruguay (UY) | N |
Cook Islands (CK) | 4 | Kenya (KE) | N | Philippines, The (PH) | 3 | Uzbekistan (UZ) | 7 |
Costa Rica (CR) | 8 | Kiribati (KI) | 4 | Poland (PL) | 8 | Vanuatu (VU) | 4 |
Cote D Ivoire (CI) | 8 | Korea, Rep. Of (KR) | 2 | Portugal (PT) | 8 | Vatican City (VA) | 6 |
Croatia (HR) | 8 | Korea, D.P.R Of (KP) | 8 | Puerto Rico (PR) | 7 | Venezuela (VE) | 7 |
Cuba (CU) | 8 | Kosovo (KV) | 7 | Qatar (QA) | N | Vietnam (VN) | N |
Curacao (XC) | 7 | Kuwait (KW) | 7 | Reunion, Island Of (RE) | 8 | Virgin Islands-British (VG) | 7 |
Cyprus (CY) | 8 | Kyrgyzstan (KG) | 7 | Romania (RO) | 8 | Virgin Islands-US (VI) | 8 |
Czech Rep., The (CZ) | 6 | Laos (LA) | 3 | Russian Federation (RU)*4 | 4 | Yemen, Rep. Of (YE) | N |
Denmark (DK) | 8 | Latvia (LV) | 6 | Rwanda (RW) | 8 | Zambia (ZM) | 8 |
Djibouti (DJ) | 8 | Lebanon (LB) | 8 | Saint Helena (SH) | 8 | Zimbabwe (ZW) | N |
Dominica (DM) | 7 | Lesotho (LS) | 8 |
China (CN) *1
Shenzhen (SZX), Chaoshan & Huizhou (SWA), Zhujiang Delta Area (ZUH), Guangzhou (CAN), Dongguan (DGM)
China (CN) *2
Rest of China (CN)
USA (US) *3
Delivery only to Alaska and Return from all states by FedEx
Company Name: Kamak Dynamics Co., Ltd.
Address: No.135-67, Caoxi Rd., Caotun Township, Nantou County 54260, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL: +886-49-2315117
8. The carrier is responsible for all items damaged in transit. Please contact Kinugawa Turbo Systems Sales Representative for damage claim information and keep all of the original packing materials. The distributor will be asked to hold the damaged product for ten business days for the damage inspection and responsibility verification. Please do not return the package to Kinugawa Turbo Systems if the Distributor is unable to file a claim with the carrier by saving packing material and allowing the carrier to inspect the damaged goods, Kinugawa Turbo Systems will not be able to assist with any issue of damage in transit.1. Touch: Anti-Counterfeit filaments, randomly allocated on the Anti-Counterfeit Tag, are solid and 3-dimensional. Consumers can touch, feel and look at the Tag to verify its authenticity.
2. Scan: Use the Wetrusty APP to scan the Anti-Counterfeit Tag and QR Code. Should scanning fails, customers can switch to manual mode, enter the Tag ID numbers to obtain the authenticated image provided by Wetrusty service.
3. Compare: Compare your scanned image/photo with the authenticated image provided by Wetrusty. Pay close attention to the allocations of the Anti-Counterfeit filaments: their positions, shapes and quantities. To facilitate comparison, customers can tap the screen to enlarge and drag images, or switch compare mode—“side by side” or “overlay” mode.
4. Product information inquiry: Inquiry roduct information, traceability, logistics information, related websites and activities, company profile and websites, etc.
Mine is the billet 6+6 sts 55 installed on a 1st Gen 3000gt vr4. Turbos fit just like stock ones, but have the same spin-up as my stock 9bs and have way more flow potential. I do have an aftermarket dejon intake going to a MAF Translator with deatschwerks 550cc injectors and running lower boost than most (7psi), but I built the car for longevity than power and so far I am extremely happy. Not too fast on acceleration yet can get you to 150mph in a relatively short time.
They have been properly made, clean everything with seals. Does come with line kit but this is where I had issues. The front turbo has a drain line that comes above the engine mount and the supplied "turbo oil return line" is too big to properly fit. The stock return lines do fit and have enough diameter so you don't have to cut into an engine mount. I decided to use different aftermarket options as they cleared and didn't require any modification. All the lines are of great quality but just come a tiny bit short. The drain lines need to be reengineered (honestly just the front flange for the turbo oil return on the turbo side) and the supply lines benefit from having a long swoop an fitting 90° adapter but would fit otherwise (probably gonna swap to them because they are of amazing quality). Would be a direct and easy swap if these critiques are followed, but would be fine if you don't care about grinding down clearances.
Operating the new turbos, yeah they are awesome. I only want 400hp and having boost from 3000-7000 feels amazing. Driveability is so nice (drive by cable) that I might've started using my project car as my daily. They sound smooth, they feel great, of extremely good quality, honestly for something more reasonable and drivable, this is a good bet. Plus the exhaust temp isn't ridiculous (I know hotter exhaust is better, but I had oil spraying due to me being an idiot with forgetting to tighten a drain line onto the exhaust collector) and it feels like it reduced my under hood temps (anecdotal and subjective, take with a grain of salt)
I opted for the HL variant as they had the sts 55 method for the turbine and the 15t as I still only have a stock block but this gives me opportunity to expand. A td04 will spin faster but might get overwhelmed at high rpm (and high exhaust manifold pressure is not good, so I wanted flow). A 20t or higher compressor would give me more performance (but I didn't want the lag and again, stock block) so for something to replace the existing 9bs in your car without getting crazy with power (with potential for a good amount), you can't go wrong with Kinugawa.
Tl;Dr: easy install (like stock), different or OEM drain lines preferred (kit needs clearance on engine mount), supplied supply lines good. Happy with performance. Would order again.
Not a bad price and quality of build was spot on. Gave me the performance I was looking for. Thank you